HTML - Poet and the Painter

January 1, 2011

Auld Lang Syne

Reflecting on the past year and marching head on into the next, the words and haunting melody of Auld Lang Syne play through my mind over and over as I write.  As a child, I would see family members and friends link arms and sing the song at New Years' celebrations and I always thought it poignant that amidst the partying and enthusiasm, everyone stopped at that moment to be serious and reflect. It wasn't until I was in college that I took the time to research what the Scottish song really meant.  "Auld Lang Syne," loosely translated, means "days gone by" and "For Auld Lang Syne" means for the sake of old times.

The song starts out with a rhetorical question about whether or not we should forget old times and past relationships, but then answers that question with the call to remember old friends and loves.  My favorite verse in the song says, "we'll take a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne."  I love that.  It makes me think of sitting with an old friend and sharing a coffee and a moment of warmth and reminiscing about days gone by.  Of course in the original Scottish poem by James Watson, the author was referring to sharing a pint of beer, but either way, it's a lovely thought--a cup of kindness.

It's nice to reflect on the {good things} in the past and probably wise to set goals for the future, but this year I decided to take it easy on myself.  I've made my resolutions, but I won't beat myself up over them.  I'll work on things like my health and organizational skills, but more importantly I'll try hard to reach out to those who are important to me.  I'm going to be good to myself this year.  I'm going to fill art journals with affirmations and happy thoughts.  I'll try hard not to lend a single moment to things that I want to be free from and I will survive this year.  Just as I have the past fifty.

So my friends - the final verse to all of you . . .

And there's a hand my trusty friend
And give us a hand o' thine
And we'll take a right good-will draught
for auld lang syne!

My wishes to all of you for a blessed and prosperous New Year filled with love, happiness and friendship!  xoxo